Decorating for Dian Pelangi

It was one of those happy days when I got a call from the famous young fashion designer, Dian Pelangi, to decorate a backdrop for her studio where she likes to showcase her hijab tutorials. Knowing her work, of course I agreed and this is what I came up with – pretty pastel colored paper flowers and leaves. I also put in a couple of poppies in the arrangement.

We both loved how it looked in her studio! If you do too, you can follow my tutorial below to make and experiment with the paper flowers I made here.

What you need: Paper (I used buffalo card paper in soft pastel colors), scissors, glue gun.

How to make:
1.    Make a petal pattern of your choice. My petals shaped like an ice cream cone. Now make them in graduating sizes as many as you want. It depends how many flowers and layers you want. Now cut the petals. My tip: cut through as many pieces of paper as you can in one go to save time.
2.    Curl the top ends of the petals. I curled my petals backwards using a big marker. Then fold the bottom part of the petals upwards and slice through the center of the folded paper.
3.    Make circles from the cardboard paper to be the base of your flower. The size of the circle should be proportionate to the size of your petals.
4.    Start gluing the largest petals first by adding glue to the bottom of your paper flap and glue to the edges circle. Carry on slightly overlapping on another until the circle is covered (it usually needs 6 to 7 big petals).
5.    Continue the inner second row with the smaller petals and so on till the center of the flower is full.
6.    For the leaves: cut out leaf shapes from green paper and fold vertically in half.
7.    Now all you need is to arrange the flowers exactly how you want them!



  1. mbak untuk nempelin bunganya ke dinding pakai apa ya ?


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