Yummies for Your Tummies

Hello to you and your tummy.
How is your appetite for desserts lately? Are you longing for comfort desserts to soothe your mellow evenings? If you are, then you are in luck!
Please welcome two new desserts from Katering Kaleng-Kaleng; Banana Bread and Bread & Butter Pudding!

These two easy desserts are not only perfect for after meals, but also for those coffee breaks and other times in between. They're so comforting and familiar that you don't have to think twice to invite them into your eager tummies.

The Banana Bread is a classic combination between mashed bananas and melted chocolate drops. Eat them any way you want; enjoy them cold, warm them up and pour a dollop of vanilla ice cream, spread butter over them, it's all good. They're perfect for any time of day, from dawn to dusk.
The Bread & Butter Pudding provides another familiar comfort. This bread-based dessert is sweet and savory with a combination of bread, butter, and chocolate. Like the banana bread, the bread & butter pudding is perfect throughout the day.

These babies are simple solutions to your dessert cravings. You will love them, and your kids will love them. What more can you ask? 🙌

So now you're reading this, wondering how to order. Well, it's super easy! Just DM me on my instagram @_dreamesh and book your order. 

Looking forward to hearing from youuu 💓


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