camper extraordinary crafts.
so that's the only explanation to my being MIA (yesss, missing-in-action). well okay, that and a couple of other things in between :D anyway, last week my bestie bianca asked me to be a last minute stand-in to her event and of course i said yes (so she'll have to do me a favor next time, ha!). i was asked to make something inspired by camper. it was quite easy since they have such strong concepts for their shoe line. i decided to prepare frames with shoe laces, blackboards, and black blocks made from left over material (just like their hybrid series). but i left the black boards plain purposefully to encourage visitors doodling any thought they had at the time - because you know, one simplest idea may build the most extraordinary crafts!
{dreamesh living}
{cotton ink}
{hunting fields}
{hadi cahyono}
it was supposedly a three-man-show, but at the end it turned out i didn't actually have to replace anyone. so there was four of us - Ria Sarwono & Carline Darjanto (Cotton Ink), Raiki (Hunting Fields), Hadi Cahyono (photographer), and moi. our artworks will be auctioned and donated for charity. and in return, we'd get camper shoes for free (in my case, two). oh, yes please...
the event went smooth, the host was my childhood buddy Dana Maulana and the band (High Time Rebellion) was my friend's. i was exhausted but ecstatic knowing that someone already bid high for my artwork not long before the show started. but if you're interested no worries, the auction won't be closed until this sunday. so go ahead try your luck, remember it's for charity ;)
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