super late june bear.

my life has been crazy with overload works lately. but good crazy though, always good when it comes to more jobs, right? ca-ching! anyway, check one of them here on mommies daily.
although am juggling with lotsa things right now, i can't seem to take my mind off toy story 3 (released this month). i've been a fan since their first movie and i can't wait to watch the newest with our little boy. now, the question is: how old should a kid be when you first take them to the cinema? would really appreciate your answer, thanks.


  1. mnurutku klo sblmnya udh kenal tokoh di dlm film akan lebih mudah?.. :)

  2. kmrn ajak sepupu (3th).... gag sampe akhir nontonnya.. cuz dy dah bosen... gelisah nyari mommynya yang kebetulan gag ikut... :p

  3. hi amessshhh! berdasarkan pngalaman sih anak br bisa menikmati nonton film umur 5 tahun. udh bs ngikutin alur crita. dulu ngajak kai nonton waktu umur 3 taun yg ada bawaannya mau pulang terus dia. he was scared of the dark and the huge screen was also overwhelming for him. umur 4 taun sempet diajak juga tapi ketiduran di dalam :)

  4. kalau gue sih baru-baru ini bawa nataya ke bioskop (3,5 tahun), filmnya Shrek Final Chapter. lumayan sih udah bisa menikmati. dia tertarik karena ada kucing gendut, haha. walaupun di tengah2 minta ganti channel O_o

    kemarin ini kita bawa nonton Toys Story 3. tapi karena yang ini lebih banyak tegangnya, dia jadi lebih gelisah nontonnya. walaupun ada juga pas adegan sedih dia ikut nangis :))


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