basic stuffed animal tutorial.
you amazing crafters might have already known this DIY steps by heart. but for those of you who are still clueless, don't fret! here's a simple thursday project for you :)

1. choose a pattern of your liking, mine is these animals from yuara's bed sheet. cut them up.
5. fill with stuffing, then stitch them closed. remember my sailboat plushies? yep, i used the same tutorial as this one. happy crafting, everyone!
clueless *tunjuk tangan* padahal udah pernah ikut workshopnya Puri uh oh emang gak bakat jait menjait T_T
ReplyDeleteMba, gimana cara nutupnya biar rapih? di foto donk mba.. :) thank you.. :) XOXO
ReplyDeletemba amesh bahannya cakep2 deh, mau dooong sisa2 bahannya:p boleh ndak? *muka serius) aku ijin follow yah mba:) like ur blog!
ReplyDeleteboong mbak.. kelinci buatannya cecil cute loohh...
ReplyDeleteheeee... ada cecil, puri ama mb regina ngumpul di sini..
ReplyDeletekainnya lucu bangeeet!