It's Halloween, Kids!


Here comes Halloween! Where the spooks, witches, and ghouls come out to play. But due to social distancing, they only haunt your homes. So put on your best costume and trick them into thinking you're one of them. 

Usually, this time of year, my days would be filled with decorating from venue to venue. This year, we decided to have our own Halloween party at home, all day long. We started by choosing our costumes, then we took pictures accompanied with eerie music, and we ended the day watching Goosebumps. It was fun, simple, memorable, and low-budget.😌

For this decor, I used the usual suspects; spiderwebs, bats, ghosts and ghouls, the witch's cauldron, et cetera. And the rustic boxes and barrel to complement the creepy scene. And you can't hear it here, but the eerie music really played a role. 

Of course, all of these props are available for rent😏. And here's a tip: you can add colored lighting to this decor and turn off all the other lights in your home for a more creepy setting.

🎃Happy Halloween and stay safe, guys!👻

For more inquiries, don't hesitate to reach me at



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