Inside Out Cushions DIY Workshop
The movie was a hit and so were these Inside Out character cushions!

The Sadness and Joy characters made their way to the kids that joined the holiday workshop presented by Nenen and Perpus SKTR9 this December.
This time, the characters were stitched on to the cushions. Not at all a fuss for this talented bunch! They also added names and initials to the pillows making it more personal.


For Clea’s 7th party activity last October, we made Inside Out no-sew
cushions. Felt and glue is all you need - an easy and quick way to use
the limited time at a party. You simply trace the character’s pattern
given on to your piece of felt, adjusting the hair, eyes, and
accessories with different colors of felt. Cut, glue and stick!

The Sadness and Joy characters made their way to the kids that joined the holiday workshop presented by Nenen and Perpus SKTR9 this December.

This time, the characters were stitched on to the cushions. Not at all a fuss for this talented bunch! They also added names and initials to the pillows making it more personal.

After Joy and Sadness came the Anger and Disgust workshop at @nenenbabyshop's holiday workshop. Here are the pics!
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