giveaway galore #1: zwitsal baby spa book.
to celebrate new year 2013, i decided to throw giveaways through out december 2012 and january 2013. here's my first! some of you emailed me asking where to buy the zwitsal baby spa book. well, good news: starting from december 22nd, they're now available at local bookstores. but pssst... i have one FREE for you!

just leave a comment and become a follower so i can easily deliver the good news (if you already are, hugs and kisses!). the winner will be randomly picked and announced on january 31st. as always, the giveaway is for indonesian residents only. good luck!

just leave a comment and become a follower so i can easily deliver the good news (if you already are, hugs and kisses!). the winner will be randomly picked and announced on january 31st. as always, the giveaway is for indonesian residents only. good luck!
aku mau dong bukunya :)
ReplyDeletesudah ku follow yah :D
thanks mbak....
gfc: miarsi ningsih
ReplyDeletemiarsiku at gmail dot com
thank you mba amesh :)
wah mau dunk mba...^^
ReplyDeletebukunya bermanfaat banget buat menambah pengetahuan ^^
saya sudah follow blognya mba..
Mudah-mudahan saya beruntung dapat hadiah dari mba ^^
Oia ini email saya
Semangat dan sukses selalu ya mba ^^
ReplyDeleteFollow udah lah,
yekti dot nyfandi at gmail dot com
kale aja dapat buku spa bayi bisa hamil:)
itu produk bayi ya?
ReplyDeleteIkutan Mba Amesh...
ReplyDeleteini email saya
terima kasih...
aku mau bukunya :)
ReplyDeletecocok sekali buat calon bidan kaya aku <3
waaahh .. cocok banget itu bukunya buat calon ibu kaya aku :p #ngerayuuu
ReplyDeleteinsyaallah aq bakalan punya dede tahun ini, mudah2an lancar, amin ..
wish me luck ^^
makasih mba amesh :)
huaaaaa,,,,aku mau aku mau...
ReplyDeletedari kmaren nyari bukunya...
uda difollow lama...hehehehe
aq jg mau donk mbk...