kutri nadzieja rhamadana.

meet the new member of the rhamadanas, our beloved daughter. born on the 2oth march 2012, she was pretty big (w: 3,185 kg h: 50 cm) but not as much as her brother was (w: 3,915 kg h: 52 cm). we took the name from pramoedya ananta toer's book arok dedes, he wrote about kameshwara (shortened to kameshwar as yuara's middle name) and kutridenta (shortened to kutri). her middle name was picked by the husband, it's polish for hope.
at first i was afraid that yuara might get jealous of the little one, but so far he too enjoys her presence among us. oh my, i still can't believe there are four of us now. God is just too kind :)


  1. aduh bibir jeung kutriiii so cekciiih.. sun sayang untuk mas kriwil dan adiknya yaaa..

  2. hello kutri... Ay nya tante cemprut juga baca arok dedes tuh,hehe... welcome to this beautiful world dear kutri :)

    ps. nggak mau ngalahin bundanya ya bibirnyaaaaa,hihi ;p

  3. congrats mbak amesh... :) arisan berikutnya dibawa yaaa hehehe

  4. waiiiiii selamat mbak Ameshh! :D


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