indonesian crafters unite.

weeks ago i was invited to join crafter indonesia on facebook, so i did. and today we had our very first arisan gathering, it was really exciting to meet fellow crafters with similar hobby and interest. thanks a bunch to chesiria tattia who made it happen!
we basically discuss everything crafty so the topics were never worn off (by the way, yes that's me with my reaaally sexy lips :P). see you all again at my place next month for a simple mini frame workshop. i will be providing the frames, so please bring your own leftover fabric and cutter. for those of you who is interested but hasn't joined crafter indonesia yet, please leave a comment here and i'll see what i can do. cheers to new friends and new inspirations!


  1. I wish I could join the gathering, but at least I could join Indonesian Crafter group on facebook. Salam kenal Mba Amesh :)

  2. Can I join the group on Facebook? sepertinya menyenangkan ya punya temen2 yang punya hobi yg sama... bisa berbagi ilmu crafting.. Salam kenal Mba...

  3. pengen join walaupun gak bisa craft..lagi pengen liat2..boleh join di FB?

  4. i am a craft enthusiast, not a crafter :)
    can i still join??
    *usually a silent reader, but a big fan of u...

  5. @ira @fany : kalo mau ikutan workshop frame di rumahku monggo loh tinggal bawa kain perca dan cutter aja selebihnya kusediain hratisss.. just leave me your email address yah :)

  6. mba amesh, I'd love to join the workshop frame. this is my email address :

  7. mau mba...

  8. aku pengen ikutan gabung mba amesh! tapii saat ini belom sering bikin craft, is it ok?

  9. Akuuu akuuu mauu ikuuttttt... nanti kita sama2 belajar seni macrame,gmn? :D

  10. hello hi ... !! the gathering place really attract my eyes..may i know where is it located in jakarta ?..would love to visit the awesome place ! ...


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