keeping the kid entertained.

is never easy, especially if your kid is like mine who can only be still when asleep. even then, he usually wakes up every two hours - just like when he was still a baby. so yes, he does sleep in his own room now but only for two hours! when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he would walk into our room and crawl onto our bed. my oh my, we would have to come up with other sleeping arrangement once the baby is here. tell me, how is yours? am reaaally curious.
anyway, these among other things are what we do at home to put a smile on the champ's face. he always loves painting, playing with doughs, and story time (oh, thank god for those sticker books!) but i can never get him into coloring, he just gets bored easily. eventhough this pregnancy takes most of my energy (i still have the headache and nausea coming in my fifth month), am trying my best to make most of our quality time together. after all, in four more months there'll be four of us! hence the lack of posts, but am sure you understand. have a lovely weekend :))


  1. apalagi kalo punya twinnies kaya saya jeng amesh.. dan dua duanya heboh seperti ini hehehe...

  2. Si baby G masih tidur bertiga sama aku dan misua. sigh. I know it's not right, but I can't help it, and yes thank God for that sticker books..

    Can't believe you're still suffering in your 5th month! hope you'll enjoy it when it gets bigger!

  3. meski cuma 2 jam tapi yuara hebat udah mao tidur di kamarnyaaaa!!! Ryu masi tidur sekamar ma aku jg mb amesh, tapi aku pisah matrasnya, semoga bentar lagi mau bobo di kamar sendiri juga... xixixi^^ semoga maboknya cepet ilang yaaaaa, peluk!


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