andhara early + bugi ramadhana's wedding.
i know it's been too long since i last posted anything, but this time i have a reaaally good excuse (will write about it in another post *wink*). so last sunday was my high school best friend's wedding - you know, the one that i was responsible for? and am proud to say that all went very well. my two best friends bianca and ninnin helped me with all the decor and i don't think i can ever thank them enough. 

at the end i was a bit broken hearted because i lost some of my decor props. i guess someone took them home? i just hope they will be very well taken care of *sniff*. but overall, i was pretty pleased with how it all turned out. our hard work had paid off! now, i can't wait for another wedding project :)
kerenn bgt... :)
ReplyDeleteoh how beautiful!!! *drooling*
ReplyDeletesmoga yg ilang cpt dpt gantinya yg jauh lebih baik yaa *hugs*
..ih mba amesh... luchuuu banget!! :)
ReplyDeletelove the pelaminannya :D
well done you! cantiks banget :) so sorry for the lost props. emang resiko yak? hahaha, waktu kawinan aku juga banyak yang ilang :( semoga tergantikan dengan lebih baik!
ReplyDeleteaaah jd mau married lagi *dang
ReplyDeletemba amesh beli balon2nya dimana?lucu...
ReplyDeleteiih keren... mba amesh... salam kenaaalaan...
ReplyDeletewarm & hearttouching :)
ReplyDeleteKeren bgttt! Jd pgn cpt kawin. Tp kapan? *nangisdipojokan
ReplyDeletembak, leta go bbm yuk, kangen bgt sm mama si kriwil iniii
mudah2an yang hilang bukan koper keren bendera England ya mba Amesh, sapa yg ga ngiler liat yang satu ituuuuhhh .. hihihi ^_^ *hugs