it only takes one brief trip.
to make a kid (bebo), a mother (mamo), a father (papo), an uncle (pepi), and a grandmother (yani) happy. last week's one night stay in bandung proved to be effective in putting us in our most relaxed mode - oh yes, we are that easy to please.

the trip was yani's early birthday present, so we did a lot of swimming, eating, and shopping (not necessarily in that order and not everyone did swim :D). but am sure each of us did gain weight, well if not us in person then our baggage at the very least. i found this cute shop bestcare that sells quilted everything and of course i stop by tobucil to meet tarlen and snatch one of her fab creation. all in all, it was fun and am looking forward to another getaway some time soon.

hello Amesh! i'm planning a trip to bandung. do you remember seeing quilted blankets in bestcare? can share with me the price range like for say, a single size one? (so i can bring enough $ if it's within budget. :p) email me. thanks in advance! :)