why is it already monday.
i always think weekends go by too fast. well at least, this time we enjoyed ours (not like last week when the three of us were sick and couldn't get out of bed).

we went to raska's get messy party thrown by the proud DIY mother tiessa audia. it was awesome! i especially love the goody bag: homemade playdough.
we read, i mean i did. my mom in law showered me with her book collection (oldies but goodies!). i bought a new one too, the all time favorite shopaholic series.
we ate orange & thyme roasted chicken. a recipe i invented on spot (mainly because the lack of ingredients in the fridge). but it turned out pretty goooooood :)
we also had a bit of bazaar going on at IMBEX 2010, JCC. we were available at kids republik's booth. again, sorry for the late info. my loyal computer had been reformatted at the time. so how was yours?

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