thanks to nova.

nova featured my DIY tutorial last week and my interview this week.
i just wish i had more time to put on lip balm and much nicer outfit before the photo shoot started. anyway, my guitar strap was also featured on prudent baby plus am having another bazaar at grand melia today. yeayness!


  1. congret mbak amesh... yg di Girlfriend lom di share,hehe...

  2. Hi!
    Congratulations on being featured in a magazine!
    Do you have a bigger scan of the magazine pages? I would love to try out making the pillowcase!

  3. Aduuuh Amesh.. aku bangga sekali nih sama tetangga aku ini hhahaa.. jadi go National and go global gitu....:D. Congrats yaaa!!

  4. kapan-kapan bikin lagi ya, mbak amesh..
    kiss-kiss buat yuara :*


  5. Waa, congrats ya mb Amesh :)
    Jadi tau ni, "penampakan" mb Amesh, siapa tahu kapan2 ketemu di jalan, bisa nyapa, hehehe..
    Very nice pillows :)

  6. selamat ya mesh, acit cerita ketemu kamu waktu ke bandung kemaren.. :)


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