i've made.

myself some new cushions. remember the pennant banners from yuara's first year birthday bash? i cut them up for this little project so i can always have something to remember his party by. i also cut some felts and leftover batik fabric to build that cute dollhouse on my second baby.
i love these two so much i don't think i have the heart to sell any of them. well, let's just see.


  1. suka semuaaanyaa!!!!!!! apa sih yg ga cute yg mbak bikin?hehe..

  2. oh my.. so cuuute ^^
    well done! :)

  3. ameess, aku mau dong dibikinin bantal tapi bulet kaya di link ini--> http://www.flickr.com/photos/meshye/4432036151/in/set-72157622887711747/

    detilnya tanya via email ya. (aku lupa email-mu, uh-uh... maap, kamu imel aku duluan yah ^^)

  4. mau dikirim quotationnya dongs dan pricelistnyaaa :D so cute!


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